Transformational change communications & employee engagement

We help leaders drive and deliver organisational transformation.

We know our stuff. 
We’re good people. 
We’re super easy to work with.

Welcome to EVER.



EVER helps leaders drive and deliver organisational transformation.

Our approach is uniquely tailored to meet the needs of Government and effectively support public sector initiatives.

Our team of skilled consultants and contractors are experts in designing, delivering, managing, communicating and supporting change. We help our public sector clients design and drive organisational transformation and behavioural change, improve organisational performance, help their people adopt new ways of working and achieve return on investment.


Our Experience

Our people have experience working on a range of significant change and transformation initiatives across the public sector, including:


The importance of organisational change and strategic communication within Federal Government continues to grow as a result of increasing pressure to improve organisational performance, reach and engage customers, strengthen brands, show clear links between corporate strategy and operational business, transform digitally, improve the employee experience and organisational culture, and to skilfully manage the human side of change. 

That's where EVER Change and Communication comes in. 

Engaging us is easy.  

We’re proud to be listed on a number of government procurement panels across Australia, including:


In these turbulent times a clear purpose, engaged workforce and thriving organisational culture are more important than ever. But 87% of employees are not engaged at work (Source: Gallup). Yikes! 

Here’s why that’s a big problem:



shareholder value

Organisations with high employee engagement (65%+) outperform the stock market index and post total shareholder returns 22% higher than average. (Source: AON Hewitt) 



93% of leaders agree that a sense of belonging drives organisational performance (Source: Deloitte).

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Organisations with employee engagement scores in the top quartile averaged 10% higher productivity (Source: Gallup).



89% of clients/customers believe that a purpose-driven company will deliver the highest quality products and services (Source: Edelman).



84% of the ‘world’s most admired’ companies say their efforts to engage employees had strengthened customer relationships (Source: Hay Group).



72% of employees are more likely to stay at their company if they were more emotionally connected to their work (Source: Kin & Co research by Populus).



59% of engaged employees say work brings out their most creative ideas (but only 3% of disengaged employees agree) (Source: Gallup).

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Purpose-driven employees tap into their ‘discretionary energy’ at work to go above and beyond what’s expected of them and accomplish more (Source: Lewis & Hezlett). Organisations that harness employee discretionary energy have 16% higher earnings (Source: Korn Ferry).



82% of workers say that trust in their leaders is vital to their job performance. (Source: Learnvest).  Eight out of 10 highly engaged employees trust and have confidence in their leaders (Source: Towers Watson).


What’s your Change Leadership Style?

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Are you a Visionary, Role Model, Sponsor or Collaborator?

Let’s find out!

Join more than 100 people who have already uncovered their style.


Great change communications and employee engagement is the game-changing secret behind the best organisations in the world.

And that’s where EVER comes in.
