The Killer Mistake Most Leaders Make Talking About Transformation


Experience tells me that a common frustration many senior executives struggle with is how to get their people engaged in their reform agenda. I see it all the time and that’s why, in this episode, I’m revealing the killer mistake most leaders make when talking about transformation. 

In this episode, I share a powerful story structure and break down exactly how to incorporate the key elements into your change story.  Using the simple technique I share will help your people feel engaged, aligned to the cause and start tapping into their discretionary energy, which is a crucial ingredient behind high performing teams.

Get ready to learn about the hero’s journey and discover how this is story structure relevant in the context of organisational transformation.

If you’ve ever heard people say they can’t see themselves in the change, this episode is for you. I’ve never come across a change initiative that I couldn’t strengthen or make more compelling for the audience by incorporating the technique. I’m breaking down for you today. It’s an absolute game changer.

I hope you enjoy listening in to this week’s ep!


[1:00]: Incredible things happen when people feel aligned to a cause, engaged in meaningful work and see themselves as an important part of the team

[3:15]: The biggest mistake leaders make is positioning the new way as the hero of the change story

[4:25]: Always position your people as your hero. You are the guide. The new way is a gift.

[5:00]: When people feel a sense of belonging, they are way more likely to access their discretionary energy

[5:50]: What a hero is and how we all take the hero journey

[7:00]: The hero’s journey story structure is the perfect lens to imagine any big change at work, especially transformational change

[7:30]: The hero meeting the guide is a turning point in the hero’s journey as they give the hero something critical. In an organisational context, you are the guide, and your people are the hero.

[9:00]: The guide helps the hero transform from their every day state into a hero, adapt to the demands of a changing world

[10:00]: It’s always down to the employees to engage with and make the changes that we are asking of them

[11:25]: Reflect on the change story you’ve been telling so far and ask yourself, who’s the hero? Who’s the guide?


Download The Strategic Narrative Cheat Sheet

For more about the Hero’s Journey: “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell 




Kate Byrne